

The first was the Consortium for Development Partnerships (CDP) with CODESRIA in Dakar and the Programme of African Studies, Northwestern University,USA. The second, with the theme “Local Conflicts” had the Universities of Ibadan in Nigeria, Ougadougou in Burkina Faso and the African Studies Centre, Leiden, Holland, as partners. The Department continues to make enormous contributions to society by way of promotion of research, teaching and publication as well as extension services.

Individual research activities encompassed several areas. The focal point during the year under review was on land and some Senior Members in collaboration with ISSER, carried out extensive research on land. Others were involved in other research activities involving areas such as governance, human rights, elections, ministerial reshuffles, the military in politics, civil society, decentralization, conflict, foreign policy, corruption, gender, the environment, leadership styles in Ghana and other African countries, institutional reforms and policy outcomes, state capacity, co-production of services between state and non-state actors, taxation in the informal sector, reforming the African public services, popular participation in local governance, and challenges to chieftaincy in the 21st Century, and globalization and Africa.

Senior Members of the Department continue to provide valuable extension services with the Armed Forces College being a major beneficiary by way of lectures on various topical issues in Ghana and the world. There were occasions when some colleagues also made presentations at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre.



Selected Recent Publications by Faculty Members

  • Abdul-Jalilu, A. (2020) 'Regional intervention in the promotion of democracy in West Africa: an analysis of the political crisis in the Gambia and ECOWAS’ coercive diplomacy', Conflict, Security & Development, 20:6, 677-696. doi.org/10.1080/14678802.2020.1854954
  • Agbevade A (2021) Local Economic Development Implementation. In: Farazmand A. (eds.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319.31816-5_4298-1
  • Agbevade, A. & Tweneboah-Koduah, D. (2020). The search for a result-oriented public sector reform in Ghana: A myth or reality?, Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 10(3), 136-157.
  • Agbevade, A. (2018). Financing local economic development in Ghana: A comparative analysis of the Accra metropolitan, Keta municipal and Shai-Osudoku district assemblies. ADRRI Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Ghana: 16(4), 52-73.
  • Agbevade, A. (2018). Local economic development strategies and challenges: A comparative empirical evidence from Ghana’s local governance system. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 8(4), 110-126.
  • Agbevade, A. (2018). Value chain and local economic development in the Shai-Osudoku District Assembly of Ghana: The experience of the Asutuare rice farming project. Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research, 10(2), 7-19.
  • Agbevade, A. (2019). Comparative political and economic development: The place of ideology in Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana and Houphouet-Boigny’s Cote D’ivoire. ADRRI Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Ghana.16 (4), 1-35.
  • Agbevade, A. (2020). Implementation dynamics of local economic development: Comparative empirical experiences from Ghana’s local governance system, Local Economy, 35(6), 609-624.
  • Agbevade, A. (2020). Local economic development and poverty reduction in Ghana: Evidence from threelocal government units. Greenhill Journal of Leadership and Governance, 2(1), 47-79.
  • Agbevade, A. (2020). The politics of actor involvement in local economic development in Ghana: Empirical evidence from the Accra metropolitan, Keta municipal and Shai-Osudoku district assemblies. Journal of African Studies and Development, 12(2), 25-39.
  • Ahmed Bawa Kuyiini Abdulai Abukari, Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed, Hughlett Omris Powell, (2020), ‘Narratives of internal Migration Experiences, Health/Well-being Issues among Females Working as Head-Porters (kayayei) in Ghana’, International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 16 (4): 511-525 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMHSC-07-2020-0068
  • Aka, P.C., Gassama, I. J., Assensoh, A. B. and Wahab, H. (2017). Ghana’s Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and the Evolution of Human Right to Healthcare in Africa. Chicago-Kent Journal of International and Comparative Law, 5(2), 1 65.
  • Alidu, S. (2010). The NRC and Reconciliation in Ghana: An Assessment. The Review of International Affairs, 153 – 177.
  • Alidu, S. (2018). Political Science Analysis of the 2016 Elections. In Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Ed.), Elections 2012 ( pp. 97–144). Accra, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
  • Alidu, S. (2020). Political Vigilante Groups and Rationalism in Ghana’s Electoral Democracy. Journal of African Political Economy and Development, 5(30), 3–20. DOI: https://hdl.handle.net/10520/ejc-japed-v5-n1 a1
  • Alidu, S. (2020). Political Vigilante Groups and Rationalism in Ghana’s Electoral Democracy. Journal of African Political Economy and Development, 5(30), 3–20. DOI: https://hdl.handle.net/10520/ejc-japed-v5-n1 a1
  • Alidu, S. and Gyekye-Jandoh, M.A.A. (2016). Civil Society and Democratic Governance in Ghana: Emerging Roles and Challenges. Contemporary Journal of African Studies, 4(1), 1-24.
  • Alidu, S. M. and Bukari, A. G. (2020). Ethnic Undercurrent and Macro-Level Determinants of Voter Participation in Ghana’s 2012 Election: Implications for the 2020 National Elections. Legon Journal of The Humanities, 31(1), 145–177. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ljh.v31i1.6
  • Alidu, S., And Aggrey-Darkoh, E. (2018). Rational Voting in National Elections: The 2012 And 2016 Elections in Perspective. Ghana Social Science Journal, 15(1), 98–121.
  • Amo-Agyemang, C. (2021) Unmasking Resilience as Governmentality: Toward an Afrocentric Epistemology.  Journal of International Politics. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41311-021-00282-8.
  • Amo-Agyemang, C. (2021). Understanding African states in International Affairs: On the Analytics of Sovereignty Versus Elite Governmentality. Cogent Social Sciences Journal.  Forthcoming. Manuscript No. 215841843.R1.
  • Amo-Agyemang, C. (2021). De-colonising the Discourse of Resilience. International Journal of African Renaissance Studies -Multi-,Inter-and Transdisciplinarity, 16:1, 4-30 DOI:10.1080/18186874.2021.1962725
  • Amo-Agyemang, C. (2021). The Role of the State in Sino-Ghanaian Relations: The case of Bui Hydroelectric Dam. Cogent Social Sciences 7:1, DOI.10.1080/23311886.2021.1963575
  • Amoah, L.G.A (2020). COVID-19 and the state in Africa: the state is dead, long live the state. Administrative Theory & Praxis, DOI: 10.1080/10841806.2020.1840902
  • Amoah, L.G.A. (2018). Africa-China relations and Africa’s strategic deficits. In K. Prah and V. Gumede (Eds.), Africa China Partnerships and Relations: African Perspectives (pp.43-61). Trenton, New Jersey: Third World Press.
  • Amoah, L.G.A. (2019). General introduction: 40 Years of Ghana-Korea relations. Special Issue, African and Asian Studies, 18 (1&2), 1-5.
  • Amoah, L.G.A. (2019). Six decades of Ghanaian statecraft and Asia relations: strategies, strains and successes. In J. R. Ayee(Ed.), Politics, governance, and development in Ghana(pp.147-166). Maryland: Lexington Books.
  • Amoah, L.G.A. (2021). (Re)centring anti-Black Racism in Africa-China Relations. In L.G.A. Amoah(Ed.), Sixty years of Ghana-China relations : friendship, friction, and the future (pp.243-262). Accra: Centre for Asian Studies and University of Ghana Press.
  • Amoah, L.G.A. (2021). Chinweizu, Asia’s rise and disentangling Africa’s strategic incoherence for Africa’s future. Special Issue, African and Asian Studies, 20(1 & 2), 154-178. https://doi.org/10.1163/15692108-12341487
  • Amoah, L.G.A. (2021). Conclusion. In L.G.A. Amoah(Ed.), Sixty years of Ghana-China relations : friendship, friction, and the future (pp.263-268). Accra: Centre for Asian Studies and University of Ghana Press.
  • Amoah, L.G.A. (2021). Diplomacy of Architecture: Ghana, China, and 60 years of Spatial Engagement  In L.G.A. Amoah(Ed.), Sixty years of Ghana-China relations : friendship, friction, and the future (pp.87-114). Accra: Centre for Asian Studies and University of Ghana Press.
  • Amoah, L.G.A. (2021). Introduction :Ghana, China, sixty years and the ghost of Emmanuel Hevi’s quandaries In L.G.A. Amoah(Ed.), Sixty years of Ghana-China relations : friendship, friction, and the future (pp.xi-xxvii). Accra: Centre for Asian Studies and University of Ghana Press.
  • Amoah, L.G.A. (2021). Introduction to special issue on theme : “Chinweizu-over forty years of reflections on Africa, Asia and the world.” Special Issue, African and Asian Studies, 20 (1 & 2), 4-8. https://doi.org/10.1163/15692108-12341481
  • Amoah, L.G.A. and K. Asante (2019). Ghana-Korea Economic Relations-The Record after 40 years and the Future. Special Issue, African and Asian Studies (1 & 2), 6-39.
  • Amoah, L.G.A. and L.N.L.Mills(2019). The Saemaŭl Undong Initiative (the Korean Rural Development Strategy) a Compelling Exemplar for Ghana? Special Issue, African and Asian Studies (1 & 2), 93-123.
  • Amoah, L.G.A. and N. Quame (2021). Power-with and power-to and building Asian Studies in Africa: Insights from the field. Special Issue, African and Asian Studies, 20 (1 & 2), 200-222. https://doi.org/10.1163/15692108-12341489
  • Asah-Asante, K. &  Brako, I. (2014). Media Crusade Against Corruption in Ghana’s Fourth Republic (2004-2012). International Journal of Research in Arts and Social Sciences, 7(2), 73-82
  • Asamoah, K., & Yeboah-Assiamah, E. (2019). “Ubuntu philosophy” for public leadership and governance praxis: Revisiting the ethos of Africa’s collectivism. Journal of Global Responsibility. Journal of Global Responsibility. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JGR-01-2019-0008/ful...
  • Ayee, J.R.A (2015). “Public Sector Reform in Africa:  A State-of-the-Art” Commonwealth Innovations Review (ISSN 2368-9471), Vol. 21, No. 3, 14-28.
  • Ayee, J.R.A (2016) (with Frank Ohemeng) “The ‘New Approach’ to Public Sector Reforms in Ghana: A Case of Politics as Usual or a Genuine Attempt at Reforms?” Development Policy Review, ISSN 0950-6764 (print); ISSN 1467-7679 (on line) Vol. 34, No. 2, 277-300.
  • Ayee, J.R.A (2016). “Building Capacity in Africa’s Conflict-Affected Countries”, in African Capacity Building Foundation, Compendium on Lessons Notes on Capacity Development in Africa. ISBN: 978-0-7974-9785-6; EAN: 9780797497856. Harare: African Capacity Building Foundation. Chapter 3, pp. 37-53.
  • Ayee, J.R.A (2016). “Manifestos in Election Agenda Setting in Ghana”, in Kwame A. Ninsin (ed.) Issues in Ghana’s Electoral Politics ISBN 978-2-86978-694-3 (CODESRIA Books: Dakar, 2016), Chapter 4.
  • Ayee, J.R.A (2016). “The Politics of Pay Reforms in Ghana”, Journal of African Political Economy and Development, ISSN 2518-847X, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (December 2016), pp. 4-25.
  • Ayee, J.R.A (2017). “Ghana’s Elections of 7 December 2016: a Post-mortem”, South African Journal of International Affairs, (https://doi.org/10.1080/10220461.2017.1378124), ISSN: 1022-0461; Vol. 24, No. 3, 2017, 311-330.
  • Ayee, J.R.A (2017). Editorial: “Inclusiveness: The Missing Link in Sustainable Development in Africa  Where are we now and what more needs to be done?” Ghana Social Science Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 1-17.
  • Ayee, J.R.A (2018). “The Practice of Good Governance in Ghana”, The State of the Ghanaian Economy in 2017. Legon: ISSER, Chapter 8, pp. 196-228.
  • Ayee, J.R.A (2019). “Conclusion” in Joseph R.A. Ayee (ed.) Politics, Governance, and Development in Ghana. Hardback 978-1-7936-0334-0; eBook 978-1-7936-0335-7. Lanham: Maryland/London: Lexington Books, An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2019, pp. 323 328.
  • Ayee, J.R.A (2019). “Ghana-Korea Relations Research: A State-of-the-Art Review”, African and Asian Studies (Special Issue), Vol. 18, pp. 188-212.
  • Ayee, J.R.A (2019). “Introduction: Politics, Governance and Development in Ghana”, in Joseph R.A. Ayee (ed.) Politics, Governance, and Development in Ghana. Hardback 978-1-7936-0334-0; eBook 978-1-7936-0335-7. Lanham: Maryland/London: Lexington Books, An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2019, pp. xv-xxxiv.
  • Ayee, J.R.A (2019). “Six Decades of the Public Sector in Ghana”, in Joseph R.A. Ayee (ed.) Politics, Governance, and Development in Ghana. Hardback 978-1-7936-0334-0; eBook 978-1-7936-0335-7. Lanham: Maryland/London: Lexington Books, An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2019, Chapter 9, pp. 167-190.
  • Béland, D., Foli, R., & Kpessa-Whyte, M. (2018). Social Policy as Nation-building: Identity Formation, Policy Feedback, and Social Citizenship in Ghana. Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des études Africaines, 52(1), 19 - 36.
  • Béland, D., Foli, R., Howlett, M., Ramesh, M., & Woo, J. J. (2018). Instrument Constituencies and Transnational Policy Diffusion: The Case of Conditional Cash Transfers. Review of International Political Economy, 25(4), 463-482.
  • Boafo-Arthur, K. (2018). Structural adjustment, policies and democracy in Ghana. In IMF and World Bank Sponsored Structural Adjustment Programs in Africa (pp. 241-271). Routledge
  • Boakye, P. A., & Béland, D. (2019). Explaining chieftaincy conflict using historical institutionalism: A case study of the Ga Mashie chieftaincy conflict in Ghana. African Studies, 78(3), 403-422.
  • Darkwah, A.K., Medie, P. A. and Gyekye-Jandoh, M. (2017). Interrogating Large-Scale Land Acquisition and Its Implication on Women in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of Ghana. Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights. Working Paper No. 401, August, 1-29.
  • Foli, R. & Ohemeng F. L. K. (2021). The Role and Impact of International Bureaucrats in Policymaking in Africa. In Gedion Onyango, Routledge Handbook of Public Policy in Africa. (Forthcoming)
  • Foli, R. (2016). Transnational Actors and Policymaking in Ghana: The case of the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty. Global Social Policy, 16(3), 268-286.
  • Foli, R. (2019). Transnational Actors and Policymaking in Ghana. In J. R. Ayee, Politics, Governance and Development in Ghana (pp. 99 - 122). Lexington Books.
  • Foli, R., Béland, D., & Fenwick, T. B. (2018). How Instrument Constituencies Shape Policy Transfer: A Case Study from Ghana. Policy and Society, 37(1), 108 - 124.
  • Frempong, A. K. D & Siaw, E (2021), “Elite Conflict and Consensus in Ghana’s Fourth Republic” in Wale Adebanwi & Rogers Orock (eds) Elites and the Politics of Accountability in Africa, Michigan University Press.
  • Frempong, A. K. D (2019) “Change and Continuity in Ghana’s Electoral Politics (1951-2016)” in J. R. A. Ayee, ed. Politics, Governance, and Development in Ghana”, Lanham/Boulder/New York/London: Lexington Books.
  • Frempong, A. K. D. (2014) “Ethnicity, Democracy and Ghana’s Election 2004”,  in E. Debrah, E. Gyimah-Boadi, A. Essumman-Johnson & K. A. Ninsin, eds, Ghana: Essays in the Study of Political  Science, University of Ghana Readers, Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers, pp.73-89. A. K. D Frempong (2009) “The Executive and State Institutions as Primary Actors in Articulating Ghana’s Integration Policies in West Africa: Challenges and the Way Forward” in Ghana in Search of Regional Integration Agenda, Accra: LECIA/FES-Ghana, pp. 23-40
  • Frempong, A. K. D. (2017) “Trajectories of Intra-Party Succession: The New Patriotic Party and Ghana’s Election 2008”, in Asare & Frempong, eds. Selected Issues in Ghana’s Democracy, Tema: Digibooks Ltd. pp. 29-58.
  • Graham E. & Gyampo, R.E.V. (2019). Sixty years of independence and a decade of oil discovery in Ghana: Oil curse or blessing?. In Joseph R.A. Ayee (Ed.), Politics, governance and development in Ghana. New York: Lexington Books.
  • Graham, E., Ackah, I., Andrews, N., & Gyampo, R.E.V. (2019). Escaping the oil curse: Is Ghana on the right path? African Review: Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs, 46(1), 235 263.
  • Graham, E., Gyampo, R.E.V., & Tuokuu, F.X.D. (2020). A decade of oil discovery in Ghana: Implications for politics and democracy. Ghana Social Science Journal 17(1), 31-57.
  • Graham, E., Gyampo, R.E.V., Ackah, I & Andrews, N. (2020). An institutional assessment of the public interest and accountability committee in Ghana’s oil and gas sector. Journal of Contemporary African Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02589001.2020.1715929.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V & Anyidoho, N.A., (2019). Youth politics in Africa. In Nic Cheeseman (Ed.), The Oxford encyclopedia of African politics (pp. 1-20). DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.716.  New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V. & Appah R. (2018). Voting behavior in elections in Ghana’s fourth republic. Beau Bassin (Mauritius): Editions Universitaires Europeennes.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V. (2017). Dealing with Ghana’s winner-takes-all politics: A case for proportional representation?. In Bossman Eric Asare and Alex K.D Frempong (Eds.), Selected issues in Ghana’s democracy, Vol. 1 (pp. 83-96). Accra: Digi Books.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V. (2017). Political parties and social media in Ghana. Journal of Pan African Studies, 20 (1), 186-205.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V. (2017). The voluntary code of conduct for the 2012 elections in Ghana. In Tatiana Monney and Jorge Valladares Molleda (Eds.), Dialogues on voluntary codes of conduct for political parties in elections (pp. 99-120). Stockholm: Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs & International IDEA.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V. (2018). Assessing the quality of parliamentary representation in Ghana. The African Review, 44(1), 68-82.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V. (2018). Creating new regions in Ghana: Populist or rational pathway to development?. Ghana Journal of Development Studies 15(2), 1-16.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V. (2018). European and international perspectives on press freedom, freedom of expression and access to information: lessons for Ghana. Legon: Centre for European Studies.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V. (2018). The state of electoral reforms in Ghana. Africa Spectrum, 52 (3), 95-109.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V. (2019). Country studies on student affairs and services around the world, Ghana. In Roger Ludeman (Ed.), Student affairs and services in higher education: Global foundations, issues and best practices, 3rd edition (pp.437-440). Berlin: Deutsches Studentenwerk.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V. (2019). Generational dynamics and youth politics. In Peter VonDoepp and Gabrielle Lynch (Eds.), Routledge handbook on democratization in Africa (in press, see acceptance letter). London, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V. (2019). The Future of EU-Africa Relations Legon: Centre for European Studies.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V., Graham, E. and Yobo, E. (2017). Ghana’s 2016 general elections: Accounting for the monumental defeat of the national democratic congress. Journal of African Elections, 16 (1), 24-45.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V., Graham, E., and Asare, E.B (2018). Political vigilantism and democratic governance in Ghana’s fourth republic. The African Review, 45 (2), 112-135.
  • Gyampo, R.E.V., Lodge, T., & Appah, R. (2019). Is voting in Ghana ethnically based? Journal of African Election, 27, (2), 25-43.
  • Gyekye-Jandoh, M.A.A. (2017). The International Community and Ghana’s Democratic Transition in the 1990s. Legon Journal of the Humanities, 28 (1), 46-61.
  • Gyekye-Jandoh, M.A.A. (2021, forthcoming). Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa: A Comparative Study of Ghana and Nigeria. In Laasko, L. and S. Zondi. eds. Political Science Discipline in Africa: Freedom, Relevance, Impact.
  • Kuditchar, N. L. (2021). Chrono-politics and state apparatus of extrication: China and Ghana in historical perspective. In L. G. Amoah, Sixty years of Ghana-China relations: Friendship, friction, and the future (pp. 215-241). Legon-Accra: Center for Asian Studies, University of Ghana.
  • Kuditchar, N. L. (2021). Chrono-politics and state apparatus of extrication: China and Ghana in historical perspective. In L. G. Amoah, Sixty years of Ghana-China relations: Friendship, friction, and the future (pp. 215-241). Legon-Accra: Center for Asian Studies, University of Ghana.
  • Kuditchar, N-L. (2019) “The quest for democratic stability in two limited access order systems: Ghana and South Korea in perspective” African and Asian Studies, pp. 40-62.
  • Kuditchar, N-L. (2019) “The quest for democratic stability in two limited access order systems: Ghana and South Korea in perspective” African and Asian Studies, pp. 40-62.
  • Kuditchar, N-L. (2020) “Curbing illicit financial out-flow from Africa: the phenomenology of institutions in Ghana” Journal of Contemporary African Studies, pp. 56-69.
  • Kuditchar, N-L. (2020) “Curbing illicit financial out-flow from Africa: the phenomenology of institutions in Ghana” Journal of Contemporary African Studies, pp. 56-69.
  • Kuditchar, N-L. and Ba-Taa-Banah, T. (2019) “From praetorian guards to guardians of the Fourth Republic: Problematizing the role of the military in Ghana’s quest for democratic development” in Atsu Ayee, J.R. (ed) Politics, Governance and Development in Ghana, New York: Lexington Books.
  • Kuditchar, N-L. and Ba-Taa-Banah, T. (2019) “From praetorian guards to guardians of the Fourth Republic: Problematizing the role of the military in Ghana’s quest for democratic development” in Atsu-Ayee, J.R. (ed) Politics, Governance and Development in Ghana, New York: Lexington Books.
  • Mohammed, A. K. (2020), “Is Ghana’s law against Human Trafficking a Success?’ Criminal Justice Review, 1-24 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0734016820971029      
  • Mohammed A.K. (2020), ‘Does the Policy Cycle Reflect the Policy Making Approach in Ghana?’ Journal of Public Affairs, 1-15 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2078
  • Mohammed A.K. (2020), ‘Property Rate in Ghana: A Poor Local Revenue Source or Underexploited Potential?’ Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance (22),  1-22 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5130/cjlg.vi22.7447
  • Mohammed, A. K. (2018), Politician Bureaucrat Relation, ,  In A. Farazmand (ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, pp. 1-10  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3518-1
  • Mohammed, A. K. (2018), The Role of the Bureaucracy in Public Policy Making in in Ghana,  In A. Farazmand (ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance, (pp.1-18)  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3519-1
  • Mohammed, A. K. (2019), ‘Local Government Financial Accountability in Ghana: Prescription versus Practice’, International Journal of Policy Studies 10 (2): 241-28
  • Mohammed, A. K. (2019),’Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration Service’, Halduskulture, Estonian Journal of Administrative Culture and Digital Governance 19 (2): 38-58 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32994/hk.v19i2.197
  • Mohammed, A. K. and Ahmed, B. K (2020), ‘An Evaluation of the Free Senior High School Policy in Ghana’, Cambridge Journal of Education, 1-30 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/0305764X.2020.1789066
  • Paalo, S.A. & Gyampo, R.E.V. (2019). Campus politics and intra-party vote-buying in Ghana: How political mentorship could destruct. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa 7(2), 123-141.
  • Siaw, E & Frempong, A. K. D. (2019) “Chiefs and Politicians in Ghana: Competitors, Collaborators or Uneasy Bedfellows?” in J. R. A. Ayee, ed. Politics, Governance, and Development in Ghana”, Lanham/Boulder/New York/London: Lexington Books
  • Wahab, H. (2019). Are Members of Parliament in Ghana Responsive to their Constituents? Evidence from Parliamentary Debates on Health Care. In S. G. Obeng and E. Debrah (eds.), Ghanaian Politics and Political Communication (pp. 99 114). London, UK: Roman and Littlefield.
  • Wahab, H. (2019). Democracy, Civil Society, and the Emergence of National Health Insurance in  Ghana. In J. A. Ayee (ed.), Politics, Governance and Development in Ghana (pp. 67-82). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
  • Wahab, H. (2019). The Politics of State Welfare Expansion in Africa: Emergence of National Health Insurance in Ghana, 1993-2004. Africa Today, 65(3), 90-112.
  • Wahab, H., and Aka, P. C. (2020). The Politics of Healthcare Reforms in Ghana under the Fourth Republic Since 1993: A Critical Analysis. Canadian Journal of African Studies/Revue  canadienne des études africaines, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/00083968.2020.1801476.
  • Yeboah-Assiamah, E., Gyekye-Jandoh, M. A. A, Asamoah, K., & Adams, S. (2021). Henceforth, We Will Never Walk Alone: Empirical Study on the Benefits of Participatory Governance and Leadership. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 1-24.  https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11213-021-09572-x
  • Yeboah-Assiamah, E., Gyekye-Jandoh, M.A.A, Asamoah, K., and Mensah Damoah, C. (2020). Popular Support for Public Policies to Curb Political Vigilantism: Reflections from Ghanaian Electorate. Springer Nature: Switzerland AG. 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_4022-1
  • Yeboah‐Assiamah, E., Asamoah, K., & Adams, S. (2019). Transdisciplinary public leadership theory: Between the extremes of “traditional public administration” and “new public management”. Journal of public affairs, 19(1), e1887.
  • Asamoah, K., Yeboah-Assiamah, E., Damoah, C. M., & Adu, E. P. (2021). Sounds good on paper but problematic in practice: PPP in Ghana's transport sector. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 100682.
  • Asamoah, K., & Yeboah-Assiamah, E. (2019). “Ubuntu philosophy” for public leadership and governance praxis: Revisiting the ethos of Africa’s collectivism. Journal of Global Responsibility.



Seminar Series

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series, March 2019 Edition

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series
Februarcy, 2019 Edition

  • Topic: The Impact of Internal Democracy on the Performance fo Political Parties in Ghana: The cases of three COnstituencies
  • Speaker: George Asekere (PhD Candidate, 3rd year, Department of Political Science, University of Ghana
  • Date: 27th February, 2019

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series, March 2019 Edition

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series
March, 2019 Edition
Topic: Patriotism in Turbulent and Settled Times

Speaker: Dr Kofi Takyi Asante (Resaerch Fellow, ISSER, University of Ghana
Date: 27th March, 2019
Venue: Kofi Drah Conference Room (Department of Political Science
Speaker: Dr Kofi...

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series

April, 2019 Edition
Topic: Japan and Africa Economic Development: Where is the Public-Private Partnership?
Speaker: Prof. Kweku Ampiah (Political Economist & Associate Professor in Japanese Studies, University of Leeds.

Date: 24th April, 2019
Venue: Kofi Drah Conference Room (Department...

Department of Political Science Monthly Seminar Series
August, 2019 Edition
Topic: Rethinking Citizenship in 21st Century Africa: Some Conceptual Considerations
Speaker: Prof. Francis Nyamjoh

Professor of Social Anthropology
University of Cape Town

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series, September 2019 Edition

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series
September, 2019 Edition
Topic: The Apparatus of Post-Truth Politics in Ghana's Fourth Republic: The Parliamentary System in Perspective.
Speaker: Dr Nene-Lomotey Kuditchar

Date: 25th September, 2019
Time: 3:00PM

MIASA & Departmental Monthly Seminar Series, October 2019 Edition
Departmental Monthly Seminar Series
October, 2019 Edition
Topic: The Cabinet Appointment Process in Ghana and the Implications for Gender Parity
Speaker: Prof Gretchen Bauer (University of Delaware, USA)

Date: 9th October, 2019
Time: 3:00PM
Venue: Kofi Drah Conference Room

MIASA & Departmental Monthly Seminar Series, October 2019 Edition

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series
October, 2019 Edition
Topic: The Relationship between the Majority and Minority sides of the Legislature and its impact on Democracy
Speaker: Dr Seidu Alidu (Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science, UG)

Date: 23rd October, 2019...

MIASA & Departmental Monthly Seminar Series, November 2019 Edition

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series
November, 2019 Edition
Topic: Parliamentary Primaries and Democracy in Africa: Empirical Evidence of Candidate Selection and Nomination Methods from Ghana.
Speaker: Dr Gbensuglo Alidu Bukari (University of Education, MIASA Fellow)

Date: 6th November 2019

MIASA & Departmental Monthly Seminar Series, November 2019 Edition

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series
November, 2019 Edition
Topic: Just Add Women? Gender and Parliamentary Committees Across Sub-Saharan Africa
Speaker: Susan Dodsworth (Research Fellow, International Development Department, University of Birmingham, MIASA Fellow)

Date: 13th November, 2019
Time: 3:00PM
Venue: Kofi Drah Confernce Room

MIASA & Departmental Monthly Seminar Series, November 2019 Edition

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series
November, 2019 Edition
Topic: Doing Democracy on the Margins: Rural Councilors and their Political Programmes
Speaker: Dr Matthew Sabbi (University of Bayreuth, Germany, MIASA Fellow)

Date: 20th November, 2019
Time: 3:00PM
Venue: Kofi Drah Conference Room

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series

November, 2019 Edition
Topic: We Disagree on Politics, But we Eat Together: The Parliament as a Social Space in Ghana, Togo and Sierra Leone
Speaker: Dr Anja Osei (University of Konstanz, Germany, MIASA Fellow)

Date: 27th November, 2019
Venue: Kofi Drah Conference Room


Department of Political Science Monthly Seminar - February 2020 Edition

Department of Political Science Monthly Seminar Series
February 2020 Edition

Topic: 400 Years? Enduring Historical Misorientation and Disorientation: Replacing Arbitrary Anglocentrism with Evidence-Based Afrikan-Centered Analysis
Held on 26th...
Department of Political Science monthly seminars - August 2019 Edition


Departmental Monthly Seminar Series, March 2020 Edition
Departmental Monthly Seminar Series

March, 2020 Edition
Topic: ''Reflections on Constitutionalism, Multi-Party and Development''
Speaker: Nana Dr SKB Asante (Paramount Chief of Asante Asokore)

Date: 10th March, 2020
Time: 3:00PM
Venue: Kofi Drah Conference...


Departmental Monthly Seminar Series

May, 2021 Edition
Topic: An Overview of the Ghana Landscape Restoration and Small-Scale Mining Project (GLRSSMP)
Speaker: Dr Isaac Bonsu Karikari (National Project Coordinator, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources

Date: 7th May, 2021
Time: 3:00PM
Venue: Kofi Drah Conference...

Departmental Monthly Seminar Series

July, 2021 Edition
 Topic: Of Pandemics, Variants, and Vaccines: Navigating the Covid-19 Era
Speaker: Dr Kofi Bonney (Senior Research Fellow, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, UG)

Date: 16th July, 2021
Time: 4:00PM
Venue: Kofi Drah Conference...

Doctoral Research

Departmental Research